Free Tools Every Non-Writer Can Use To Write

How much do you think you write every day? Before you say you don't write much, consider these: emails, messages, and social media posts. 

Now how much do you think you write every day? 

When we talk to our friends or family, we don't need to be grammatically accurate or use complete words, and so on (or do we?). But, in a professional workplace setting, the more accurate and clear you are the better. 

The last thing you want to do in your resume or cover letter is to irk the recruiters with errors. And I am sure you would want people to focus on your content, rather than point out your spelling mistakes. 

Well, guess what?! You can use some tools every day that may take 1-2 minutes more than usual, but whatever content you write, will be professional and error-free. 

Here are three of the easiest tools you can use in your day-to-day life, and that too for no charge. 


This tool has a premium and a free version. But for everyday use, the free version is more than sufficient. As the name suggests, it is to keep your grammar in check. 

You can remove your spelling errors and grammatical errors with this. It also suggests ways to shorten your sentences and tells you the tone of your content. 

You can signup for Grammarly and also get the Chrome extension. It will directly help you on LinkedIn and Gmail as you type. 

For spelling and grammar errors, you can do as it says. However, when it suggests alternate sentences or different words, ensure that it doesn't alter the meaning. After all, it is a tool, and we need to wield it well. 

Hemingway Editor

It also points out grammatical errors. Additionally, it also shows the reading level for your content. Meaning, it tells you how difficult or easy it is for your audience to understand what you've read. 

It also highlights long sentences, adverbs, and passive sentences so that you can reword them if necessary to make it easier for the audience to read. 

You can use it for social media posts or write-ups to ensure everyone can understand it well. 


It is a paraphrasing tool. It has a premium version as well. However, with the free version, you can paraphrase 120 words at a time. 

If you have to use the same information somewhere but need to change the wording (social media posts), you can use this. And it will give you paraphrased text without errors. 

Full disclosure, using someone else's content and paraphrasing it is not the best of practices to follow. But, you can definitely use it to repurpose your own content or to make documents of personal use or internal use in your workplace. 

However, Quillbot is an AI tool, and it does make errors in spelling or grammar. So, you may want to check the paraphrased content through Grammarly or Hemingway once. 


It is a boon for writers! You can do so much with it. You can ask for inspiration to write social media posts. Summarize reports, blogs, and more to cut down your research time. Use it as a starting point to create better content. 

So, these are some tools you can easily use and write well in your day-to-day life. It takes very less time to make changes with these tools. The changes may go unnoticed, but not making these changes won't. 


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